All-Time Roster (incomplete)

Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Connor Sabia, Minors 2011
Kyle Sabia, T-ball 2011
Joe Sabinio, Critchley 1975
Alex Sadlon, Springs 2007
Anthony Salandra, Lions 1999
Guido Salandra, Keller 2012
Frankie Salati, Minors 1997
Daniel Salazar, Minors 2001
Alexander Salehi, T-ball 2000
Louis Salerno, Kiwanis 1961
Richard Salerno, T-ball 1993
Noah Salgado, Minors 2015
Melissa Salicco, Softball 2018
Ed Salomon, Rotary 1961
Eugene Sammartino, Pastori 1953
Brian Samuels, Kiwanis 1997
Samantha Sanabria, Softball 2014
Dan Sanchez, Springs 2016
John Sanservere, Legion 1970
Mike Santa Lucia, Park 1991
Leonardo Santana, T-ball 2012
Paulo Sant'ana, Masons 2009
Michael Santaniello, Pastori 1960
Bob Santaniello, Rotary 1963 †
Steve Santaniello, Elks 1989
Ryan Santanna, T-ball 1995
Nicholas Santiago, Minors 2013
Andres Santillan, Van Winkle 2008
John Santo, Lions 1974
John Santo, Minors 1994
Phil Santo, Lions 1973
Sean Santo, T-ball 1992
Kyle Sanzo, T-ball 2006
Mike Saracino, Tommy’s 1999
Pat Saracino, Tancredi 2002
Metin Sari, Minors 2012
Brandon Sarnowski, Van Winkle / Kurgan 2011
Justin Sarnowski, Fire / Springs 2017
Jordan Sarro, Tancredi 2007
Bryan Sartori, P.B.A. 2002
Heather Sartori, Softball 2012 †
Jarett Sartori, Minors 2012
Lauryn Sartori, Minors 2000
Max Sartori, Minors 2008
Phil Sartori, Elks 1982
Steve Sartori, Flash 1978
Alex Sasso, Minors 2014
Anthony Sasso, T-ball 2009
Frankie Sasso, Minors 2009
Johnny Sasso, Van Winkle / V.F.W. 2011
Kristen Sasso, Softball 2011
Nicholas Sasso, T-ball 2009
Theresa Sasso, Softball 2012
Bobby Sauter, Kurgan 2002
Julieann Sauter, T-ball 2001
Katie Sauter, DiNoto 2004
Billy Sauthoff, Gilio 1964
Bobby Sauthoff, Kiwanis 1965
Ed Sauthoff, Gaffney 1969
Kendall Saulsby, Softball 2015
Larry Savage, Pastori 1961
Kush Savalia, Minors 2010
Parth Savalia, Minors 2010
Chris Savastano, Lions 1979
George Savino, Minors 2000
Adam Savitsky, Minors 2012
Emma Savitsky, Softball 2012
Laura Savitsky, Softball 2012
Madeline Sawicz, Softball 2011
Stash Sawicz, Minors 2011
Jon Saxon, Kiwanis 1984
Nicholas Scaglione, T-ball 2012
Frank Scalchi, Kiwanis 1983
John Scalchi, Kiwanis 1980
Joseph Scalchi, Minors 1997
Bobby Scalchi, Tommy’s 1993
Jay Scalley, Elks 1976 †
Tim Scalley, Kiwanis 1984
Regan Scanlon, V.F.W. 2011
Kevin Scannell, Elks 1989
Henry Scaramelli, Keller 1965
Pete Scaramelli, Elks 1977
Jason Scaringi, Elks 2007
Philip Scaringi, DiNoto 2002
George Scarpa, Springs 1958
Nick Scarpa, Minors 1987
Jim Schak, Pasquin 1964
Ray Schak, Lions 1962
Thomas Schak, Flash 1960
Brett Scharfman, Van Winkle 2005
Ava Scheibe, T-ball 2008
Matt Scheibe, Tancredi 2018
Joseph Scheip, Minors 1992
Peter Scheip, Minors 1995
Kevin Scherba, Lions 2000
Ryan Scherba, Lions 2002
Tony Schicchi, Altman 1976
Alexandra Schieren, T-ball 1995
Nick Schiff, Springs 2004
J.P. Schillaci, Flash 1992
David Schilp, Minors 1997
Chris Schiro, Kurgan 1998
Mike Schiro, Kurgan 1992
Don Schlenger, Elks 1956
Bill Schlenger, Elks 1958
Matt Schlesinger, Keller 1984
Jim Schley, Naborhood 1974 †
Mike Schley, Flash 1977
Oscar Schlimer, Minors 2012
Michael Schmeding, Minors 1998
Chris Schmidt, Springs 1986
David Schmidt, Pasquin 1953
Dave Schmidt, Lions 1981 †
J.C. Schmidt, Van Winkle 2008
Jeff Schmidt, Altman 1982
Rich Schmidt, Altman 1969
Abigail Schmitt, Softball 2016
Alison Schmitt, T-ball 1996
Ellie Schmitt, T-ball 2011 / Softball 2017
Jeff Schmitt, Flash 1992
Ben Schmitz, Elks 2003
Sam Schmitz, Elks 2004
Alexander Schnackenberg, T-ball 2002
James Schnackenberg, T-ball 2001
Jesse Schnackenberg, Minors 1999
Jim Schnackenberg, Naborhood 1979
Carl Schneck, V.F.W. 2003
Bill Schneider, Sifford 1975
Gavin Schneider, Inline 1997
George Schneider, Kurgan 2005
Greg Schneider, Springs 1964
Jerry Schneider, Kurgan 2000
John Schneider, Rotary 1962
Kari Schneider, T-ball 1992
Mark Schneider, Kiwanis 1970
Mike Schneider, Kurgan 2003
Philip Schneider, Legion 1953
Tom Schneider, Springs 1964 †
Alyssa Schoener, T-ball 2004
Anthony Schoener, Minors 2002
Erik Schriefer, Keller 2013
Brooke Schroeder, Softball 2013
Lana Schroeder, Softball 2013
Brendan Schubert, Minors 2013
Ricky Schubert, P.B.A. 2013
Bob Schuffenhauer, Kiwanis 1956
Chris Schule, Lions 1999
Mike Schule, Keller 2003
Joseph Schultz, Minors 2000
Robert Schultz, Minors 2000
Nico Schumacher, T-ball 2011 / Softball 2015
Gary Schuman, Flash 1965
Jake Schuman, Masons 2014
Robert Schwanekamp, Elks 1954
Robert Schwarzlow, Pastori 1957
William Schwarzlow, Pastori 1960
Harold Schweizer, Jaycees 1952
Kyle Sciancalepore, Minors 2005
Nicole Sciancalepore, Minors 1999
Vinnie Sciancalepore, Tommy’s 1999
James Scimecca, T-ball 1999
Alex Scott, Elks 1955
Andy Scott, Springs 1992
Drew Scott, Van Winkle / Springs 2010
Haleigh Scott, Softball 2018
Jessica Scott, Softball 2014
John Scott, Sifford 1971
Joe Scott, Kiwanis 1989
Jonathan Scott, Van Winkle 2006
Joseph Scott, Minors 1990
Madison Scott, Minors 2009 / Softball 2012
Mike Scott, Springs 1990
Mike Scott, Sifford 1970
Sarah Scotti, Softball 2016
Nicholas Scozzafava, Minors 2000
B.J. Scurti, P.B.A. 2003
Fran Sebastiano, Elks 1969
Ray Sederdahl, Legion 1970
Chris Sedlak, Naborhood 1995
John Sedlak, Rotary 1968
Joseph Sedlak, Minors 1989
Evan Seehaus, Sifford 1977
Matt Seelig, Rotary 1989
Bobby Seetaram, Minors 2002
Ian Segda, Minors 2007
Tyler Segda, T-ball 1999
Andy Segedin, Kurgan 1999
Audrey Segedin, Softball 2013
Alexa Segro, T-ball 1996
Fred Segro, Rotary 1996
Mark Segro, Naborhood 1992
Robbie Segro, V.F.W. 2005
Gianna Seidler, T-ball 1995
Mark Seidler, Pastori 1962
Mike Seigler, Legion 1974
Jay Semenecz, Kurgan 1986
Alan Sempruch, Minors 2004
Richie Senatore, Kiwanis 1995
John Sendik, T-ball 1989
Saralyn Sendik, T-ball 1988
Jack Sepetjian, Minors 2017
Justin Seriale, Minors 1993
Matthew Seriale, Minors 1993
Alex Serio, Roadrunner 1982
Ron Serio, Keller 1980
Dan Seroczynski, Elks 2001
Carlo Serpe, Flash 1979
Anthony Serrao, T-ball 1996
Stephanie Serrao, Inline 2002
David Servideo, T-ball 1998
Michael Servideo, Minors 2000
John Sette, Elks 1980
Jeff Severini, Kurgan 1982
Tom Severini, Springs 1981
Eric Severino, Minors 2006
James Severino, Minors 2006
Jenna Severino, Softball 2016
Matt Severino, Minors 2008
Carolyn Severs, T-ball 1994
Mike Sgaramella, Roadrunner 1977
Vince Sgaramella, Keller 1978
Mandy Shafer, Kurgan 1993
Bobby Shafer, Keller 1991
Ajay Shah, Springs 1997
Manav Shah, Minors 2009
Parshv Shah, Tancredi 2018
Riddhi Shah, Softball 2015
Shikha Shah, Softball 2011
Aaron Shainwald, T-ball 1989
Roshed Shairzay, Minors 1988
Mark Shami, Minors 2001
William Shang, Minors 2008
Matt Shannon, Altman/Park 1979
Tom Shannon, Altman 1977
Paul Shapiro, Jones 1963
Rich Shapiro, Pasquin 1964
Tom Shara, Gaffney 1970
Ryan Sharkey, Springs 2004
Basant Sharma, Minors 2014
Sanya Sharma, Softball 2014
Ricky Shaw, Keller 1994
Nicolette Shear, Softball 2016
George Shehadi, Justin 1963
C.J. Sheppard, Kiwanis 2002
Doug Sheppard, Flash 1991 †
Steve Sheppard, Keller 1987
Farrell Sheridan, Flash 1962
Jamie Sheridan, Softball 2012
Jim Sheridan, Flash 1969
Mike Sheridan, Flash 1971
Philip Sheridan, Pasquin 1956
Brian Sherry, Rotary 1951
Matthew Shillitani, T-ball 1992
Matthew Shin, T-ball 2009
Soo Lim Shin, T-ball 2003
William Shin, T-ball 2009
Kevin Shine, Tommy’s 1994
Tierney Shine, T-ball 1994
Matt Shova, Springs 2005
Mark Shuhan, Sifford 1974
Joey Shymko, Softball 2014
Winter Shymko, Minors 2007 / Softball 2013
Lauren Siciliano, T-ball 1996
Joe Sicurella, Rotary 1957
Mike Sicurella, Pastori 1958 †
Michael Sicurella, T-ball 2002
Abdullah Siddiki, P.B.A. 2008
Hiba Siddiki, T-ball 2009 / Softball 2011
Alex Siegenthaler, T-ball 2000
Andre Siegenthaler, Altman 1981
Matthew Siegenthaler, Minors 1993
Christopher Sienkiewicz, Minors 2000
Sirin Siengsanaoh, Softball 2014
Siwat Siengsanaoh, T-ball 1988
Tony Sifonios, Kurgan 1991
Nicky Sifonios, Park 1989
Ken Sigler, Critchley 1976
Kim Sikoryak, Lions 1961
Rich Sileno, Springs 1984
Andrew Silva, Minors 2017
Carolina Silva, T-ball 2003
Gabe Silva, Fire 2002
Matthew Silva, Minors 2009
Andrew Silver, Lions 2006
Anthony Silver, Minors 1996
Ashley Silver, Minors 1996
Adam Silverstein, Kurgan 1988
Madison Silverstein, Softball 2016
Giacomo Silvestri, Minors 2016
Justin Simins, Lions 1985
Steven Simins, Flash 1975 †
Lindsay Simone, Minors 2000
Rob Simone, Fire 1997
Tom Simone, Elks 1961
Frederick Sims, T-ball 1990
Val Sinacore, T-ball 1990
Ted Sinclair, Pasquin 1955
T.J. Sing, Fire 2017
Avani Singh, T-ball 1999
Alan Singleton, Kiwanis 1972
Anthony Sinno, Flash 1994
David Sinopoli, Legion 1970
Alzie Sisco, Kurgan 1988
Stavros Siskas, Minors 1993
Renato Sison, Springs 1996
Scott Sista, Springs 2014
Richie Sitarz, Elks 1957 †
Carl Sivertsen, Springs 1961
Jamie Skinner, Softball 2011
Jessica Skinner, Softball 2016
Chris Skowronski, Keller 2006
Tony Slater, Keller 1968
J Slater, Elks 1967
Sean Slattery, Kurgan 1995
Joey Slavik, Kiwanis 1996
Mike Slavik, Kiwanis 1990
Robbie Slavik, Kiwanis 1992
Billy Sloan, Pasquin 1957
Jack Sloan, Pastori/Pasquin 1953 †
Sierra Sloan, Softball 2013
Hank Slomkowski, Altman 1980
Bobby Slomkowski, Kurgan 1987
Matt Small, Elks 2001
Alden Smith, Jaycees/Kiwanis 1953
Ashley Smith, T-ball 1996
Blake Smith, Minors 2017
Bob Smith, Elks 1972
Bob Smith, Keller 1976
Chris Smith, Keller 1985
Chris Smith, Elks 1995
Danny Smith, Elks 2002
Eric Smith, Rotary 1973
Evan Smith, Elks 2012
Gary Smith, Elks 1974
Jaiden Smith, P.B.A. / Elks 2014
James Smith, Masons 2016
Jim Smith, Flash 1982
Justin Smith, Elks 1990
Mike Smith, Elks 1999
Neil Smith, Legion / Kiwanis 1956
Nick Smith, Elks 2014
Olivia Smith, Softball 2015
R Smith, Pasquin 1956
Rich Smith, Pasquin 1954
Roger Smith, Inline 2000
Sebastian Smith, Tancredi 2016
Shane Smith, Rotary 1990
Stuart Smith, Kiwanis 1953
Tyler Smith, Minors 2014
Joseph Smolinski, Elks 1964
Zachary Smoter, T-ball 2005 †
Henry Snapp, Elks 2010
Jacob Snapp, Elks 2013
John Snapp, Kiwanis 1962
Steve Snuffer, Springs 1996
Danny Snyder, Kurgan 1992
George Snyder, Springs 1981
Mike Snyder, Rotary 1962
Russ Snyder, Kurgan 1990
Jim Sobieski, Lions 1974
Jason Sobieski, Keller 1980
Pat Sobieski, Springs 1997
Travis Soine-Porro, Minors 1998
Darshit Sojitra, Minors 2006
Parth Sojitra, Springs 2006
Eric Sole, Rotary 1986
John Solensky, Park 1992
Derrick Solorzano, Minors 2006
Ryan Soltow, Minors 1992
Eric Som, Minors 1992
Jason Somers, Elks 1987
Kirsten Sommer, Minors 1997
Ted Sommer, Elks 1997
Mike Sommers, Legion/Naborhood 1973
Mike Sommers, Naborhood 1985
Ricky Sommers, Lions 1983
Billy Sommers, Naborhood 1986
John Sondey, Lions 1953
Matt Sondey, DiNoto 2002
Michael Sondey, T-ball 1991
Andrew Song, Minors 1991
Ketul Sorathia, Minors 2011
Jesse Sosnicki, Flash 2000
Joe Sosnicki, Lions 1974
Chris Soto, P.B.A. 2007
Isabella Soto, Softball 2017
Daniel Soulaine, Elks 2008
Thomas Sousa, Springs 2011
Dave Southern, Keller 1981
Patrick Southern, Naborhood 1991
Jeffrey Spaccavento, Minors 2002
Justin Spaccavento, Keller 2010
Francesca Spadaro, Softball 2011
Nic Spadaro, Lions 2007
Derek Spaldo, Minors 1998
Andrew Spanarkel, V.F.W. 2004
Jim Spanarkel, Lions 1998
Mike Spano, Flash 1981
Joe Sparano, Flash 1960
Dick Sparano, Flash 1961
Scott Specchio, Naborhood 1982
Brian Specia, Lions 1994
Stephen Specia, Minors 1994
Brian Spellman, Flash 1985
Eric Spellman, Lions 1980
Howie Spellman, Kiwanis 1956
Calliope Spettell, Softball 2016
Ian Spettell, Minors 2009
Jeffrey Spies, Minors 1988
Alexis Spinelli, T-ball 2008
Ronnie Spinelli, Springs 2009
Charlie Spitaletta, Springs 1981
John Spitaletta, Rotary 1979
Rich Spitaletta, Springs 1972
Bob Spitaletta, Sifford 1974
Meredith Spratt, T-ball 1996
Pat Sprouls, Gilio 1965
Vinnie Sprung, Elks 1997
Luke Squeo, Park 1990
Raahul Sriram, Minors 2004
Aedan Stabile, Lions 1994
Kenny Stabile, Lions 1996
William Staehle, Rotary 1957
Peter Stagg, Legion 1953
Justin Stallard, Flash 2001
Walter Stamberger, Flash 1959
Andrew Stampelos, Park 1990 †
Damian Stanivukovic, Springs 1983
Bob Stanley, Elks 1957
Brian Stanton, Lions 1961
Greg Stanzione, Lions 1999
Mike Stanzione, Springs 1997
Gerald Starace, Elks 1959
Evan Statile, Minors 2015
Carly Steakin, T-ball 2003
Jessica Steakin, T-ball 2003
Matthew Steen, T-ball 2004
John Stefanko, Elks 2001
Brian Stefans, Roadrunner 1981
John Stefans, Rotary 1953
Bob Stefans, Rotary 1956
Phil Stefura, Legion 1968
Jim Steinberg, Lions 1981
Gil Steinberger, Springs 1961
Mark Steinberger, Springs 1963
Keith Steinel, Fire 1998
Scott Steinel, Fire 2003
Tom Steinel, Fire 1995
Jay Steinfeld, Gilio 1965
Greg Stella, Tommy’s 1990
Matthew Stella, Minors 1995
Matthew Stellas, Minors 1988
Karl Stelzle, V.F.W. 2012
Chelsea Stemple, T-ball 1998
Ryan Stephens, T-ball 2000
Joseph Stetz, Minors 2002
Christyn Stevens, T-ball 1994
Jacob Stillson, P.B.A. 2015
Justin Stillson, Lions 2009
Robert Stillwell, Elks 1959
Travis Stinson, T-ball 1990
Chris Stio, Kurgan 1990
Jay Stio, Gilio 1966
Jack Stoehs, Rotary 1960
Tyler Stoica, Tancredi 2017 †
Jerry Stokes, Rotary 1978
John Stoltenborg, Kiwanis 1964
Robert Stoltz, Lions 1958
Al Stone, Lions 1954 †
A.J. Stone, Park 1979
Drew Stone, Lions 1982
Drew Stone, Masons 2015
Jim Stone, Keller 1975
Matt Stone, Lions 1986
Sean Stone, Lions 2018
Ian Stopherd, Keller 1986
Pete Stopherd, Roadrunner 1982
Carl Stopper, Springs/Park 1979
Bobby Stothers, Kiwanis 1958
Isaiah Stratton, Elks 2006
Bob Strauss, Rotary 1956
Philip Strauss, Rotary 1959
Richard Strauss, Rotary 1959
Pat Strehl, Rotary 1977
Michael Strothers, Minors 1994
Chuck Stuis, Sifford 1970
John Stuis, Kiwanis 1971
Jerson Suarez, Lions 2017
Mauricio Suarez, Minors 2017
Varun Subramaniam, Tancredi 2013
Johnny Suchoski, T-ball 1994
Mark Sudol, Keller 1975
Meet Suhagiya, Kurgan 2015
Mark Sujkowski, Springs 1970
Christopher Sulit, Minors 1992
John Paul Sulit, Flash 1991
Brooke Sullivan, Softball 2014
Carmelle Sullivan, Softball 2018
Dan Sullivan, Jaycees 1951 †
Jack Sullivan, Kurgan 1980
Kaitlyn Sullivan, Softball 2015
Matteo Sullivan, Minors 2009
Michael Sullivan, Minors 1998
Ted Sullivan, Jones 1968
Tim Sullivan, Kiwanis 1961
Tim Sullivan, Fire 2004
Billy Sullivan, Minors 1998
Mike Supple, Roadrunner 1976 †
Tim Supple, Naborhood 1977
Richard Surdovel, Minors 2014
Sophia Surdovel, Softball 2017
Gianna Suriano, T-ball 2006 / Softball 2016
Luke Surowiec, V.F.W. 2014
Mike Susini, Lions 1975
Mike Sutphin, Sifford 1977
Alexandra Sutton, Minors 1997
Paul Svane, Lions 1970
Michael Svitil, Minors 1993
Scott Sweeney, Flash 1974
Daniel Swody, Minors 1991
Gabriella Swope, Softball 2013
Mark Sybowski, Springs 1971
A.J. Sydell, Tommy’s 1990
Elizabeth Szambel, T-ball 2008
Ricky Szambel, Masons 2013
Richard Szczesny, Lions/Flash 1957
Mike Szura, Roadrunner 1980
Bobby Szymanski, Rotary 1967
Don Szymanski, Springs 1970
Joe Szymanski, Lions 1965
Bob Szymanski, Keller 1978
Thomas Szymanski, Minors 2001
Tim Szymanski, Keller 1973
Tom Szymanski, Keller 1974
Alexandra Szymczak, T-ball 1994
Will Szymczak, Tancredi 2003

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