All-Time Roster (incomplete)

Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Tony Bachmann, Flash 2001
Charlie Bachus, Flash 1961
Joe Bader, Jaycees 1961
Bob Baffuto, Flash 1976
James Baffuto, Flash 1980
Jenna Baffuto, Softball 2012
John Baffuto, Flash 1980
John Baffuto, Elks / Lions 2012
Paul Baffuto, Lions 1975
Brian Bagdan, Flash 1969
Keith Bagdan, Flash 1978
Kevin Bagdan, Flash 1972 †
Brian Bagnuolo, Kiwanis 1986
Donald Bagnuolo, Lions 2013
Ella Bagnuolo, Softball 2011
Gia Bagnuolo, Softball 2016
Ken Bagnuolo, Springs 1978
Samantha Bagnuolo, Softball 2012
Steve Baia, Altman 1974
David Bailey, Roadrunner 1977
Jim Bailey, Springs 1973
Jonathan Baker, T-ball 1987
Christian Balacuit, Minors 2003
Kimberly Balacuit, Minors 2003
Kurt Balchan, Flash 1988
Adea Balidemaj, Softball 2011
Bestar Balidemaj, DiNoto 2005
Dorant Balidemaj, Minors 2009
Joe Ball, Rotary 1980
Ernie Balogh, Pasquin 1968
David Baluk, Elks 1994
Mike Barbire, Roadrunner 1981
Chris Barcenas, Van Winkle / Fire 2011
Daniel Barcenas, Minors 2005
Edel Barcenas, Springs 2012
Catherine Bardzell, Softball 2018
Richard Barger, Legion 1956
Anthony Barilla, Tommy’s 2000
Tony Barker, Springs 1982
Russ Barker, Rotary 1984
Leah Barna, Softball 2018
Jeremy Barnaskas, Rotary 1993
Jonathan Barnaskas, Kurgan 1989
Douglas Barnert, Legion 1961
Tommy Barnes, Kurgan 1992
Jason Barnhart, Flash 1986
Dylan Barr, Minors 2014
Jakob Barr, Kurgan 2013
Mike Barr, Fire 2013
Avery Barrantes, Minors 2001
Anthony Barrasso, Flash 1959
Flavio Barrios, T-ball 2005
Jonathan Barrios, T-ball 2002
Caitlyn Barrows, T-ball 1998
Barry, Pastori 1956
Jon Barry, Kurgan 1993
Patrick Barry, Fire 2004
Mickey Bartels, Pasquin 1954
Bill Bartels, Springs 1987
Jason Barthel, Minors 1988
Chuck Bartlett, Naborhood 1993
Adam Bartolomeo, Elks 1977
Mike Bartolomeo, Rotary 1994
Tony Basile, Elks 1982 †
Chris Basile, Lions 1988
Chris Basile, Inline 1996
Justin Basile, Inline 1996
Bob Baske, Rotary 1967
Joshua Baske, T-ball 1993
Daniel Batchelder, T-ball 1996
Roland Batchelor, Naborhood 1988
Ryland Batchelor, Kurgan 1983
Steve Batchelor, Park 1980
Brianna Batista, Softball 2018
Jonathan Batista, Flash 2002 †
Noel Batista, Springs 2014
Jerry Battista, Park 1989
Brandan Baum, Keller 2012
David Baumann, Kurgan 2004
Lauren Baumann, T-ball 2004 / Softball 2011
Pete Baumann, Flash 1964
Dave Baylor, Altman 1970
Len Baylor, Rotary 1953 †
Todd Baylor, Minors 1988
Jeff Bayse, Tommy’s 2000
Kyle Bayse, Tancredi 2004
Richard Beach, Minors 1999
Vanessa Beard, Minors 1994
Chris Beatini, Springs 1995
Stephanie Beatini, Minors 1997
Casey Beaudet, Minors 1994
Kyle Beaudet, Minors 1995
Darrin Becker, Kurgan 1980
Mitchell Becker, Jones 1962
Courtney Beckwith, Softball 2011
Tyler Beemer, T-ball 2000
Rick Beggs, Altman 1981
John Begley, Critchley 1972
Georgina Beirne, Softball 2012
Armando Bejarano, Springs 1980
Eddie Bejarano, Keller 1998
Eric Bejarano, Rotary 1982
Oscar Bejarano, Minors 1997
April Belfield, Minors 2001
Eric Belfield, V.F.W. 2003
Matt Belfield, V.F.W. 2003
Sydney Belger, Pastori 1953
Laron Bell, Sports 1995
Leon Bell, Sports 1994
Jake Bender, Keller 2005
Kyla Bender, Softball 2011
Matthew Bender, Minors 2012
Rory Bender, Minors 2011
Steven Benedict, T-ball 1991
Frank Benincasa, Lions 1985
Bruce Benner, Pasquin 1970
John Benner, Elks 1981
Rob Benner, Elks 1981
James Bennett, Sports 1993
Jim Bennett, Flash 1969
Joseph Bennett, Minors 1988
Keith Bennett, Elks 1971
Keri Bennett, T-ball 1988
Ryan Bennett, Minors 1997
David Benninghoff, Minors 2015
Thomas Benninghoff, Minors 2013
Jake Benslimane, T-ball 2009
Guy Bentivegna, Keller 1982 †
Mark Bentivegna, Elks 1970
James Benz, Kiwanis 1960
Jonathan Berardi, Minors 1999
Jack Bergman, Minors 2013
Alexa Bernard, Softball 2018
Augustine Berrettini, Minors 2014
Samuel Berrettini, T-ball 2005
Stella Berrettini, Softball 2017
Veronica Berrettini, Softball 2018
Ben Berman, Altman 1969
Willie Berman, Keller 2001
Jeanne Bernarducci, T-ball 1990
Bill Bernstein, Elks 1969 †
Daniel Berry, Minors 2002
Mark Berry, Kiwanis 1993
Megan Berry, Lions 1997
Kevin Bertone, Pasquin 1970
Gene Berube, Sifford 1974
Lenny Berube, Springs 1966
Derek Besemer, Lions 1978
Tatiana Bess, Softball 2016
Joshua Bett, T-ball 1999
Craig Bevelheimer, Keller 1990
Glenn Bevelheimer, T-ball 1990
Elyse Bewighouse, T-ball 1993
Jim Bewighouse, Rotary 1969
Ken Bewighouse, Keller 1993
Richie Bewighouse, Rotary 1970
Robert Bewighouse, Kiwanis 1966
Bob Bewighouse, Kiwanis 1994
Bhavik Bhatt, Minors 2006
Sagar Bhatt, V.F.W. 2005
Chris Bialek, R.S.G./Rotary 1986
Joey Bialek, Rotary 1991
Tomasz Bialik, Kiwanis 1993
Anthony Biancamano, Cedola 2009
Giuliana Biancamano, Softball 2014
Ryan Bibeau, Springs 2000
Tom Bieber, Pastori 1962
Tim Bien, Sifford 1972
Jeff Bigley, Sifford 1971
Jonathan Bigley, Kiwanis 1998
Kevin Bigley, Keller 1995
Bilger, Legion 1952
Chuck Billé, Tommy’s 1992
Jason Billé, Tommy’s 1994
Poppie Bimson, Softball 2014
Charlie Binder, Lions 2011
Katrina Binder, Softball 2016
Tim Bingham, Rotary 1974
Angelo Bini, T-ball 2001
Fred Binkowski, Lions 1961
Ronald Binnie, Legion 1954
Jessica Binns, Minors 1993
Michael Binns, Minors 1992
Gianna Biondolillo, T-ball 2008
Matt Birchby, P.B.A. 2013
Nick Birchby, P.B.A. 2010
Joe Birdsall, Minors 2007
Zach Birdsall, Minors 2007
Colin Birth, Lions 2003
Tyler Birth, Lions 2000
Dave Bishop, Springs 1979
Daniel Bivin, Minors 2005
Jeff Bivin, Inline 2001
Samuel Bivin, Lions/Legion 1957
Tom Bivin, Legion 1959
Chris Black, Lions 1965
John Blackledge, Legion 1969
Vincent Blanar, Keller 1976
Ben Blanchfield, Springs 2003
Pat Blanchfield, Flash 1978
Paul Blanchfield, Elks 1984
George Blaurock, Minors 1992
Donald Blinn, Legion 1964 †
Chris Blinstrub, Inline 2002
Matt Blitz, Springs 1972
Michael Block, T-ball 1993
Chris Bloomer, Flash 1999
Nick Bloomer, Flash 2001
Stephen Bloomfield, Jones 1962
Bobby Bloor, Flash 1997
Gary Blumenstock, Legion 1968
Jay Blumetti, Springs 1962
Tom Blumetti, Jaycees 1958
Scott Boan, Flash 1995
Mark Bobowicz, Fire 2014
Alan Bocage, Springs 1973
Dennis Bocage, Gaffney 1969
George Bocage, Critchley 1972
Thomas Boccassini, Lions 2016
Paul Bode, Rotary 1974
Paul Bodet, Elks 1955
Nick Bogdanos, Minors 2011
Mike Bogdanowicz, Springs 1974
Brendan Bohan, Inline 2000
Meghan Bohan, T-ball 1998
Molly Bohan, Softball 2016
Patrick Bohan, Fire / Springs 2017
Danny Boisits, Elks 1984
Edward Boisits, Pastori 1957
Gus Boisits, Elks 1978
Jim Boisits, Elks 1981
Dan Boland, Kiwanis 1973
Ryan Boland, Minors 2000
Dan Bolger, Springs 1992
Aniko Bollok, Softball 2014
Aspen Bollok, Softball 2014
Joey Bologna, Tommy’s 1991
Kailee Boman, Softball 2013
AnnaLaura Bombarda, Softball 2012
Caterina Bombarda, Softball 2011
Anthony Bonagura, Tancredi 2017
Ernie Bonagura, Tancredi 2017
Danny Bonner, P.B.A. 2010
Pat Bonner, Lions 2003
Katie Bononno, Softball 2011
Dennis Bott, Rotary 1958
Keith Bott, Naborhood 1990
Patrick Bott, Kiwanis 1995
Adam Botti, Fire 2015
Andrew Botti, Minors 2005
John Botti, Springs 1965
Zach Bouabidi, Lions 2014
Christopher Bourdon, Minors 2000
Rey Bovo, Minors 2012
Tiffany Bowleg, T-ball 1998
Bill Boyd, Elks 1972
Steve Boykewich, Rotary 1989
Mike Boylan, Elks 2017
Brianne Boyle, T-ball 1998
Calvin Boyle, Rotary 1957
Courtney Boyle, T-ball 1998
Jack Boyle, Lions 1972
John Boyle, P.B.A. 2006
Johnny Boyle, Pastori 1958
Eddie Bozek, Minors 1987
Marco Bozza-Caballero, Minors 2013
John Bradley, T-ball 2002
Chris Brady, Lions 2012
Jeremy Brady, Naborhood 1986 †
Nick Brady, Lions 2015
Chris Branca, Tommy’s 1995
Blake Brancato, Fire 2007
Briellyn Brancato, T-ball 1998
Sal Brancato, Roadrunner 1976
Tom Brancato, Roadrunner 1978
Bill Brancato, Roadrunner 1977
Joe Branda, Keller 1965
Jonathan Braylock, Minors 1999
Daniel Brea, Minors 2004
Chris Breitweiser, Naborhood 1982
Rick Breitweiser, Legion 1973
Ron Breitweiser, Lions 1975 †
Joe Brennan, Kurgan 1981
Kris Brennan, Elks 1985
Makayla Brennan, Softball 2012
Ryan Brennan, Elks 1983
Ryan Brennan, Rotary 1987
Shawn Brennan, Kiwanis 1986
Dean Briccola, Elks 1968
Joey Briccola, Lions 2010
Dan Briganti, Altman 1976
Marc Briganti, Rotary 1984
Peter Brill, Lions 1956
Ed Brim, Lions 1975
Chris Brindle, Kiwanis 1977
Garry Brinker, Kiwanis/Pasquin 1952
Brendan Brinksma, Masons 2011
Eddie Brinksma, Elks 1992
Jim Brinksma, Pasquin 1961
Jimmy Brinksma, Lions 1986
Michael Briscione, T-ball 1998
Alec Brito, T-ball 2010
Andrew Brito, Van Winkle / Fire 2012
Corbin Brito, T-ball 2010
Tatiana Brito, Minors 2000
Ben Brnic, Fire / Springs 2018
Bobby Broadhurst, Pasquin 1955
Michael Brockway, Elks 1998
Albert Brodka, Kiwanis 1957
Stan Brodka, Kiwanis 1956
Ed Brolewicz, Gilio 1965
Jennie Brolewicz, Minors 2001
Justine Brolewicz, Softball 2012
Alex Bronico, Keller 2010
Dave Brooks, Kiwanis 1980
Mark Brooks, Kiwanis 1981 †
Bill Brooks, Altman 1977 †
Bryan Brown, Minors 2000
Daniel Brown, Pasquin 1957
Eddie Brown, Minors 1995
Jack Brown, Springs 1972
Jimmy Brown, Springs 1995
John Brown, Lions 1955
Joseph Brown, Minors 1995
Kevin Brown, Altman 1974 †
Peter Brown, Park 1984
Tommy Brown, Springs 1971
Jordan Browning, Springs 1991
Trevor Browning, Springs 1989
Alan Brundage, Pasquin 1962
Bobby Brundage, Lions 1969
John Brundage, Flash 1967 †
John Brundage, Kurgan 1994
Tom Brundage, Flash 1961
Mike Brunetti, Jones 1966
Pete Brunetti, Flash 1971
John Bruno, Legion 1966
Tony Bruton, Elks 1981
Brian Bruton, Altman 1983
Christopher Brzozowski, Minors 2003
Frank Bucci, Springs 1970
Adrian Buccinio, T-ball 1997
Amanda Buccinio, Minors 1997
John Buccinio, Keller 1995
Adam Buchoff, Minors 1998
Daniel Buchoff, Minors 1997
Isaac Buchoff, T-ball 1998
Ricky Buchwald, Kurgan 1982
Ron Buchwald, Rotary 1980
Eric Buckley, Minors 2004
Jaret Buckley, Springs 2011
Jordyn Buckley, Softball 2016
Anthony Buckman, Kiwanis 1955
Skip Buckman, Kiwanis 1957
Danny Budinich, Roadrunner 1983
Mike Budinich, Elks 1983
Spencer Budinich, Minors 2014
Kire Budzakoski, R.S.G. 1986
Daniel Buell, Minors 2005
Joseph Buell, Minors 2001
Robert Buell, V.F.W. 2005
Don Buffey, Rotary 1955
Thomas Bukata, Kiwanis 1955
Alexandra Buljovcic, Softball 2016
Jim Bull, Pastori 1951
Amanda Bullis, Minors 1996
Christopher Bullis, Minors 1999
David Bulman, T-ball 1995
Paul Bunker, Flash 1970 †
Greg Burch, Park 1982 †
Pete Burch, Park 1981
Aaron Burger, Sports 1994
Alan Burggaller, Naborhood 1977
Donald Burggaller, Pasquin 1971
Steve Burggaller, Pasquin 1969
Aryanna Burke, Softball 2016
Chloe Burke, Softball 2018
Jamie Burke, T-ball 1996
Madison Burke, Softball 2016
Savanna Burke, Softball 2017
T.J. Burke, Tommy’s 1989
John Burkett, Keller 1966
Dylan Burkhalter, Minors 2009
Burns, Kiwanis 1951
Edward Burns, Rotary 1959
John Burns, Rotary 1958
Ken Burres, Flash 1960
Malvern Burroughs, Kiwanis/Rotary 1952
Kevin Buscio, Naborhood 1979
Billy Bush, Minors 2014
Richie Butcher, Jaycees 1953
Eric Butler, T-ball 2002
Howard Butler, T-ball 2004
Michael Butler, T-ball 2004
Bill Butterworth, Jaycees 1951
Phil Buzzerio, Flash 2005
Robert Byrne, Legion 1971
Ryan Byrnes, Minors 1993

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