Rutherford Little League Renovates Field: Phase Two
The second phase of Rutherford Little League renovations began in October 2009. A retaining wall was set in place along the fence on the third-base side, the ground was leveled above the wall, and batting cages are installed. These renovations were financed through a major capital campaign. See the first phase of the renovations (fall 2008).

A look at the site work from the area of the third-base bleacher, 31-Oct-2009.

A closer look at the retaining wall, from near the left-field foul pole.

The wall, as seen from the field.

Site work continues, 7-Nov-2009.

The wall, as seen from the field.

Gravel is now placed as part of grading the cage area inside the wall, 14-Nov-2009.

The finished product, as seen from just inside the field near the third-base line, 6-Apr-2010.

The cage is split in two, for separate batting or pitching sessions.
In addition, a new sign was put in place outside the fence near the first-base line and the parking lot, honoring the dedication of the facility as Tom Mellody Field. The League dedicated the field to Mellody in April 1974. Tom Mellody had been a League member for 15 years when he died unexpectedly in February 1974, during his fourth season as League President.

The new Tom Mellody Field sign, 31-Oct-2009.
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Copyright © 2009 Rutherford Little League, Inc. All rights reserved. -- updated 6-Apr-2010