Rutherford Little League Renovates Field: Phase One
In October 2008, the Rutherford Little League made major renovations to its field. The entire field was resurfaced, and much of the fence was replaced. These renovations were financed through a major capital campaign. See the second phase of the renovations (fall 2009).

A look at the field prior to renovation, from down the right-field line. Photo taken 30-Oct-2007.

The old field is being torn up. Photo taken 11-Oct-2008.

The field has been graded and awaits the new sod. Photo taken 18-Oct-2008.

New sod is in place and awaits a game. This and the next four photos taken 26-Oct-2008.

The first-base line fence has also been replaced.

The landscape contractor’s sign is still in place, hanging from the new outfield fence.

Compare this photo from down the right-field line with the top photo from a year before.
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Copyright © 2008 Rutherford Little League, Inc. All rights reserved. -- updated 21-Nov-2008