Miles Field

Exterior of Miles Field, Sep-1997.

A view of the playing field.
Quick Facts:
- Location: South Pacific Highway, Medford, Ore.
- Opened: 1951
- Closed: 1998
- Demolished: 2005
- Home teams: Medford Rogues, Far West League (1951); Medford Giants (1967-68), Medford Dodgers (1969-71), Medford Athletics (1979-87), Southern Oregon Athletics (1988-94), Southern Oregon Timberjacks (1995-98), Northwest League
After visiting Crater Lake National Park in early September 1997, I had options. I could have headed to Eugene, but I decided to stick with my original plan and go to Medford. I landed here at Miles Field, but I didnt get to see much baseball. After two innings, the game was called when a storm I could see on my way down from Crater Lake finally reached Medford. The field was flooded and unplayable in a matter of minutes.
Miles Field was torn down in 2005, its location proving irresistible for a major retailer. However, the City of Medford built a new Miles Field about a mile to the south, and it hosts various levels of amateur baseball.
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