Municipal (A’s) Stadium

�Wall of fame� at Municipal Stadium, Aug-2005.

The main seating area.

A view from just in front of the press box.

Quick Facts:
When I went to visit Lewis and Clark Park in Sioux City, Iowa, someone mentioned that “Ozzie Smith got his start at a little ballpark down in Clarinda.” Well, I happened to be passing through Clarinda the next day, so I took a look.

It does not appear that Municipal Stadium has ever hosted professional baseball. However, it is the home of the Clarinda A’s, a National Baseball Congress team on which the future star shortstop played in the late 1970s. A few years later, the A’s won the NBC national championship in the annual tournament in Wichita. Meanwhile, the city fathers have honored Smith by rededicating Fourth Street as Ozzie Smith Drive.

Clarinda is probably best known as the birthplace of Alton Glenn Miller (1904-42). While he never played for the A’s, he became famous as the leader of the Glenn Miller Orchestra in the late 1930s. His birthplace home on 16th Street is preserved as a museum, and 16th Street (US 71) bears the alternate designation Glenn Miller Avenue.

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This page updated 21-Aug-2005