Rutherford's stretch of the New Jersey Turnpike runs for less than half a mile, from Berrys Creek to the Erie Railroad tracks. The road, identified in the state's highway inventory as NJ 95W and on signage as I-95, is part of the "western spur" built in 1971 to alleviate congestion on the original mainline, a mile and a half to the east, as well as to provide access to the Meadowlands Sports Complex, which opened in East Rutherford in 1976.
No other Rutherford street intersects the Turnpike. The nearest entrances on the tolled freeway are interchange 15W in Kearny (at I-280) and interchange 16W in East Rutherford (at NJ 3 and the Sports Complex).
Berrys Creek (bridge)

A view looking south along the Turnpike in Rutherford.

The Rutherford meadows, from the Turnpike. This shot is slightly blurry because it was taken at highway speed.
Erie Railroad (overpass)