Rutherford Little League: Flash, 2006

Coaches in rear, left to right: Paul Kelly (partially obscured), Chris Bloomer, Manager Tom Bloomer, Carmine Coppola, Joe Zembryski, Frank Herrmann.
Back row of players, left to right: Sean Walker, Brandon Coppola, Matt Kelly, Bryan Kelly, Ryan Monaghan, Pat Landrigan.
Front row of players, left to right: Mark Ivanovic, Noel Lazo, Jonathan Glatman, Anthony Zembryski, Max Herrmann, Matt Dietz.
Rutherford Little League
Game Results for Flash Cleaners (2006 Final)
(All games)
Game date Opposing team Score r h e/ r h e Inns Overall League Pitcher of record Time
--------- ------------- ----- --------/-------- ---- ------- -------- ---------------------- ----
Sat 8-Apr Tancredi Plumbing rain
*Tue 11-Apr at Keller-Depken Oil 4-5 L 4 7 1/ 5 10 3 6 0- 1- 0 0- 1- 0 Herrmann (L 0-1) 1:51
*Sat 15-Apr Tancredi Plumbing W 6-2 6 5 1/ 2 3 5 6 1- 1- 0 1- 1- 0 BKelly (W 1-0) 1:41
Sat 22-Apr V.F.W. Post 227 rain
Sun 23-Apr Lions rain
*Fri 28-Apr DiNoto Fuel W 4-0 4 3 1/ 0 1 1 6 2- 1- 0 2- 1- 0 BKelly (W 2-0) 1:27
*Sat 29-Apr Lions W 10-0 10 9 1/ 0 2 5 4 3- 1- 0 3- 1- 0 Herrmann (W 1-1) 1:01
*Sun 30-Apr at Elks W 8-7 8 11 7/ 7 9 4 ( 7) 4- 1- 0 4- 1- 0 Landrigan (W 1-0) 2:05
Thu 4-May Boiling Springs Svgs W 6-5 6 10 4/ 5 5 0 6 5- 1- 0 4- 1- 0 BKelly (W 3-0) 1:25
Sat 6-May V.F.W. Post 227 W 11-1 11 9 1/ 1 4 2 5 6- 1- 0 4- 1- 0 Herrmann (W 2-1) 1:29
Tue 9-May at Kurgan-Bergen Realtr W 11-0 11 9 1/ 0 2 7 5 7- 1- 0 4- 1- 0 BKelly (W 4-0) 1:46
*Fri 12-May at Tancredi Plumbing W 6-1 6 5 3/ 1 2 5 6 8- 1- 0 5- 1- 0 Herrmann (W 3-1) 1:52
Mon 15-May A.W. Van Winkle & Co 0-4 L 0 5 3/ 4 6 2 6 8- 2- 0 5- 1- 0 BKelly (L 4-1) 1:25
Sat 20-May at P.B.A. Local 300 W 11-3 11 12 1/ 3 4 3 6 9- 2- 0 5- 1- 0 Herrmann (W 4-1) 1:57
*Mon 22-May Elks W 11-1 11 15 0/ 1 2 3 4 10- 2- 0 6- 1- 0 BKelly (W 5-1) 1:24
*Sat 27-May at DiNoto Fuel 0-5 L 0 1 3/ 5 2 1 6 10- 3- 0 6- 2- 0 Herrmann (L 4-2) 1:31
*Mon 29-May at Lions W 11-4 11 13 2/ 4 8 5 6 11- 3- 0 7- 2- 0 BKelly (W 6-1) 2:09
Fri 2-Jun at Fire Department rain
*Tue 6-Jun Keller-Depken Oil W 4-3 4 11 2/ 3 4 0 ( 7) 12- 3- 0 8- 2- 0 Herrmann (W 5-2) 1:51
Sun 11-Jun at Fire Department W 11-0 11 10 1/ 0 2 5 4 13- 3- 0 8- 2- 0 Herrmann (W 6-2) 1:35
Playoffs (not included in overall statistics):
Sun 18-Jun DiNoto Fuel W 10-6 10 7 2/ 6 5 7 6 1- 0- 0 BKelly (1-0) 1:42
Thu 22-Jun A.W. Van Winkle & Co 4-5 L 4 3 4/ 5 7 0 6 1- 1- 0 Herrmann (0-1) 1:37
* league game
() extra inning game
Rutherford Little League
Overall Statistics for Flash Cleaners (2006 Final) - Manager: Tom Bloomer
(All games Sorted by Batting avg)
Record: 13-3 Home: 7-1 Away: 6-2 League: 8-2
Bryan Kelly......... .540 16-16 50 27 27 5 1 1 11 37 .740 10 2 7 0 .629 0 0 0-0 12 20 8 .800
Max Herrmann........ .528 15-15 53 20 28 7 0 4 19 47 .887 3 0 10 0 .544 1 0 2-4 32 10 2 .955
Pat Landrigan....... .522 16-16 46 16 24 10 0 0 15 34 .739 4 2 4 0 .566 1 0 2-2 160 7 2 .988
Brandon Coppola..... .415 16-16 53 15 22 6 3 0 17 34 .642 4 0 11 0 .456 0 0 0-0 10 7 7 .708
Matt Kelly.......... .313 16-8 32 9 10 1 0 0 8 11 .344 3 0 6 0 .371 0 0 0-0 1 1 2 .500
Sean Walker......... .275 16-16 40 7 11 3 0 0 10 14 .350 10 1 21 0 .423 1 1 0-1 30 2 2 .941
Anthony Zembryski... .148 16-13 27 5 4 1 0 0 7 5 .185 11 0 13 0 .395 0 0 1-1 2 0 2 .500
Jonathan Glatman.... .133 16-15 30 7 4 0 0 0 0 4 .133 4 0 15 0 .235 0 0 0-0 6 0 1 .857
Ryan Monaghan....... .111 16-16 36 4 4 1 0 0 6 5 .139 13 1 17 1 .353 1 0 0-0 12 14 5 .839
Noel Lazo........... .100 12-0 10 3 1 0 0 0 3 1 .100 6 0 7 0 .438 0 0 0-0 0 0 0 .000
Mark Ivanovic....... .000 13-12 13 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 2 0 9 0 .133 0 0 0-0 0 0 0 .000
Matthew Dietz....... .000 12-1 8 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 .000 7 0 7 0 .467 0 0 0-0 1 0 1 .500
Totals.............. .339 16-16 398 114 135 34 4 5 97 192 .482 77 6 127 1 .449 4 1 5-8 266 61 32 .911
Opponents........... .188 16-16 351 41 66 18 2 2 29 94 .268 26 3 161 0 .247 4 1 5-7 253 76 51 .866
LOB - Team (119), Opp (78). DPs turned - Team (1), Opp (6).
(All games Sorted by Earned run avg)
Matt Kelly.......... 0.00 0-0 1 0 0 0/0 1 1.0 1 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 4 .250 0 0 0 0 0
Pat Landrigan....... 0.86 1-0 2 1 0 0/0 0 7.0 9 8 1 0 6 3 1 0 34 .265 1 1 0 1 0
Max Herrmann........ 1.35 6-2 9 7 5 1/1 1 35.2 27 15 8 13 58 6 0 1 141 .191 10 0 0 2 1
Bryan Kelly......... 1.60 6-1 10 8 5 2/1 0 45.0 29 18 12 13 95 8 1 1 172 .169 13 2 0 1 0
Totals.............. 1.42 13-3 16 16 10 4/1 2 88.2 66 41 21 26 161 18 2 2 351 .188 24 3 0 4 1
Opponents........... 5.05 3-13 16 16 3 2/0 0 84.1 135 114 71 77 127 34 4 5 398 .339 35 6 0 4 1
PB - Team (4), Monaghan 3, Landrigan 1, Opp (6). SBA/ATT - Landrigan (5-7), BKelly (4-5), Herrmann (1-1), Monaghan (0-1).
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