Rutherford Little League Celebrates 50 Years
These photos were all taken at the Rutherford Little League 50th anniversary gala dinner-dance, held Saturday 8-Apr-2000 at the Elks Club of Rutherford. As you can see, a good time was had by all.

Theyre smiling. They must have eaten already.

Two faces that make board of directors meetings much more pleasant!

Rule 1.10 says the bat must be round, George!

Can you find the Hooples in this picture?

Thats Doc Cool on the right.

Yes, the DJ did play a few slow dances ...

Happy, happy birthday, baby!

Let me sleep on it ...

Will you love me forever?

He keeps his best bud close to his heart!

What shade comes after red?
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Copyright © 2000 Rutherford Little League, Inc. All rights reserved. – updated 1-Aug-2009