Rutherford Bulldogs’ Second Annual Little League Clinic
On Sunday 5-Apr-2009, head coach Carmen Spina and his Rutherford High School team hosted their second annual clinic for Rutherford Little Leaguers at Memorial Park. Fourteen varsity players and about sixty Little Leaguers attended.

Coach Spina’s opening remarks.

The stretching circle, led by Bulldog captains Colin Birth and Mike Schneider.

Coach Spina explains the next practice drill.

Senior Alex Teller runs a fielding drill.

The coach and players give hitting instruction.

Step and throw!

Birth (foreground) and Teller show a player how to bunt.

The baserunning drill that wrapped up the afternoon.

Let’s go Dawgs! Players break the huddle at the end of the clinic.
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Copyright © 2009 Rutherford Little League, Inc. All rights reserved. -- updated 5-Apr-2009