Rutherford National Wins 10-Year-Old Tournament, 1998

The Rutherford National 10-year-old tournament team poses for a team photo at Riggin Field in East Rutherford. The team won the District 5 championship 29-Jul-1998, defeating Hasbrouck Heights, 7-0.
Coaches, standing in rear: Phil Giordano, Nick Cinardo, Terence Bohan.
Back row, standing: Jason Critelli, Nick Giordano, Brendan Bohan, Jesse McCallum, Phil Zaorski.
Front row, kneeling: Anthony Azzolini, Willie Gramlich, Jamie Parnofiello, Matt McGrath, Brendan Cahill, Kasey Lord, Tim Hawkins, Jude Zasadzki, Nick Cinardo.
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