Maine, the Pine Tree State
Land area: 30,865 sq. mi. (39)
Population (2020): 1,362,359 (42), up 2.56% since 2010
Population density: 44.14 per sq. mi. (38)
U.S. Representatives (2023-32): 2
Entered Union: 15-Mar-1820 (23)
Yes, Maine is up north. But its also down east. That combination, and the Gulf Stream, combine to make its beaches a summertime treat. Try Ogunquit. Kennebunkport, just north, was home to former president George Bush for at least part of the year. Acadia National Park, south of Ellsworth, is another natural beauty. The easternmost point in the nation is adjacent to Campobello Island (part of Canada), where Roosevelt and Churchill held a famous summit. A few miles north is Calais (pronounced callous), gateway to the Canadian Maritimes.
No. of Counties Ive Visited: 16 of 16
County |
Pop. (2020) |
Latest Visit | |
County Seat |
Visited? |
Androscoggin | 111,139 | 17-Oct-2012 | | Auburn | yes |
Aroostook | 67,105 | 15-Oct-2012 | | Fort Fairfield | |
| Houlton | yes |
Cumberland | 303,069 | 9-Sep-2021 | | Portland | yes |
Franklin | 29,456 | 15-Oct-2012 | | Farmington | |
Hancock | 55,478 | 30-Sep-2019 | | Ellsworth | yes |
Kennebec | 123,642 | 30-Sep-2019 | | Augusta | yes |
Knox | 40,607 | 1-Aug-2011 | | Rockland | yes |
Lincoln | 35,237 | 1-Aug-2011 | | Wiscasset | yes |
Oxford | 57,777 | 20-Oct-2018 | | South Paris | |
Penobscot | 152,199 | 30-Sep-2019 | | Bangor | yes |
Piscataquis | 16,800 | 31-Jul-1998 | | Dover-Foxcroft | yes |
Sagadahoc | 36,699 | 30-Sep-2019 | | Bath | yes |
Somerset | 50,477 | 30-Sep-2019 | | Skowhegan | yes |
Waldo | 39,607 | 30-Sep-2019 | | Belfast | yes |
Washington | 31,095 | 30-Sep-2019 | | Machias | yes |
York | 211,972 | 9-Sep-2021 | | Alfred | yes |
Louisiana | Maryland
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